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Flame ft. V.Rose - "Surrender" Music Video

Clear Sight Music just released and posted the music video to Flame's song "Surrender" ft. V.Rose from his album Captured.
The video is amazing.... so different in a good way.
Clear Sight Music is doing it big for the Kingdom of God. Get Flame's album on Itunes and/or Amazon.

V.Rose - Surrender Music video still
Flame - Surrender Music video still

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An Easter Joke - A Very Good One

When Joseph from Arimathea arrived home one Friday night many years ago, he told his wife that he had given their tomb to someone to use. She got upset and said to him, "How could you do that? After all the time and money you spent building it… it was just finished and what are we going to use now for ourselves?" Joseph just said, "Don't worry, it's only for the weekend". :D

The Resurrection - IMAGE SOURCE

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The Resurrection of Jesus - Twitter Style

The "official" time/period for celebrating Easter may have passed... but the real and true life story/happening, the resurrection of Jesus, can never be too old to share... this video is amazing.

And here's something extra that I feel is very much worth sharing: A sermon from Pastor Joseph Prince

The Resurrection of Jesus - Twitter Style - VIDEO STILL

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Revelations 16:16
Behold, I am going to come like a thief! Blessed (happy, to be envied) is he who stays awake (alert) and who guards his clothes, so that he may not be naked and [have the shame of being] seen exposed.

What I believe God is saying here is:

Nobody on earth knows when God will return, so be on your guard, do not sleep, stay awake so you do not fall into sexual impurity. Guard your clothes. DO NOT let anyone take them off you so that Christ returns and finds you exposed and in sin.
Stay awake and alert. Be blessed.

Soli Deo Gloria.
Be alert, don't sleep, avoid temptation.

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God led me to something very important today. I do not know if it is something that will be needed by someone now or weeks to years from now.

God said in Isaiah 66:9
Shall I bring to the [moment of] birth and not cause to bring forth? says the Lord. Shall I Who causes to bring forth shut the womb? says your God.
(Amplified Bible Translation)

I believe God is saying two things here:
1. God is saying that we should stand upon His word here if we're ever in a situation that seems to be stalling e.g. a child being delivered and complications seem to arise, something you've asked God for but seems to be taking time to manifest/show/deliver, etc, this Bible verse is saying that God will Himself make it to 'bring forth' (manifest/.../...).
2. God is also saying that we should stand on His word that says He will open the womb so it brings forth; 'womb' here either meaning a literal womb for child bearing, a womb to bear fruit spiritually, or a womb to bear financial, social and other fruits for His glory alone... for the Kingdom of God.

All glory to God for revealing this message. Amen.


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So Reach Records has done well... this is wisdom in my opinion.

Tedashii's new album is being released a couple of weeks later than expected because he wants it to be fine-tuned (both sonically and lyrically I believe).

So Reach Records decided to wet our appetites a little bit by showing us the Album Artwork/cover for Blacklight.
I don't know if I should expect some electronica/techno-rap on this album, because, the cover has got me thinking TRON :D

I love Tedashii, I love Reach Records, most importantly, all glory be to God for giving Tedashii ways and creativity to convey the message of the gospel.

Tedashii - Blacklight - Album Artwork
BLACKLIGHT - Tedashii's new album - Album Artwork

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Lecrae on NBC - Be a light

Matthew 5:14-16
"You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.
That verse is one of my all time favorites.
I don't want you thinking this blog is all about Lecrae, it's not.
But Lecrae is an example to me and a whole lot of ministers out there on how to be a light and how to let your light shine.

He gives it all whether or not it's a packed crowd or not, whether or not his DJ is DJ Official or not, whether or not Trip Lee, Tedashii, Sho Baraka, etc are on the stage beside him, supporting him, whether or not the stage he is ministering on is the best looking one or not.

That gets me thinking big time... which leads to this question.
I ask you(and me) as a challenge as a minister and a believer:

Are you shining your light only when it's all glamorous and fine all around you?
or do you shine and reflect God's light when it seems like you're alone in the slums of life?

Be a light.

God bless you.

Lecrae live on NBC Alive - Be a Light to the World

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Mark 8:36
What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world but loses his soul?
(Caution: Video contains drug content... great video still though)

Thi'sl's new music video for his song, I hate you (Crack), shows and gets on this very well.
He focuses on drugs a lot and very well addresses that subject but this addresses many other subjects, be it a good job, the best grades, a good salary, etc, it is nothing if what you're doing doesn't bring God glory.

The answer to true joy and happiness can't be found in anything the world has to offer... maybe I'm rambling... but watch the video and you'll see the picture. God bless this brother... He's going all out and allowing himself to be used by God to reach his community, let's pray for soldiers like this on the front line.

Thi'sl - I hate you (crack) - Music Video

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This video was uploaded on February 20, 2011.

Among the things God told her would happen: Flooding and earthquakes in Japan, and lot's of stuff that will happen in the world, including Africa and the United States. Weeks later, guess what happens? Earthquake in Japan. Now imagine if someone shared this video with people living in Japan,some lives might have been saved.

The end is getting very close... we all need to be prepared... PRAY!

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FL Studio 10 has been launched

Fruity Loops 10 is out - Download it now
You guys might know or not know this, but I use Fruity Loops to make all my beats.
I love Fruity Loops and have been using it for years now, I would say that I'm sort of an advanced to expert user of FL Studio.
As I would believe any other user of Fruity Loops 9, I have been looking forward to FL Studio 10 for a while now, and... IT'S OUT!!!

I am going to test it today, and from the promo video(watch it below), I know I'll love it. Too much stuff to try out :D

Visit this link for more information.

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