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Pagan - New Halloween Single by Antioch

You might have seen the post I did on Antioch and his new album... check it out.
Well Antioch released a new single on 2011's over hyped holiday, Halloween.
So here it is, It is titled "Pagan" and this single is hot... take my word for it.

Antioch- Pagan Feat. Drone

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Wow... so remember that post about Mali Music on BET and how he wowed you and I and represented the Kingdom of God excellently, well this the song that he performed that day. The song is called "The Job Experience" and it is amazing. And what's better, it now has a music video; We all love music videos and this video is... I'll let you watch it, enjoy it, be blessed by it, then share it :D
Keep Mali Music in prayer; God is using him big time and that's bound to get that slimy little serpent angry, but we have all overcome the devil and have smashed his head by having Jesus in us. Amen.

The Job Experience Music Video

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What Christianity is within two minutes
And for those of you who already are Christians, this is a refreshing reminder.

What is Christianity? A Visual Explanation
Christianity simply is believing in Jesus, the One and only Saviour of humanity.

But what does humanity need saving from?
Sin, suffering and death.

Without Jesus, every man and woman, born in sin, will go to hell. 

The message of Jesus Christ is the gospel, also known as the good news.

Get a Bible and start reading to discover for yourself who Jesus is.
I'll recommend you start from Matthew and keep on reading from there.
Also, a church is necessary and important for you to grow as a Christian... fellowship is not to be neglected as commanded by God.
God has called you to Himself and will save you, but only if you agree to submit totally to Him?
Will you?

Keep On Reading...

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Rants and raves

Rants and raves got me feeling depraved
I might be the first to use this platform without rage
I'd rather engage the Spirit than to rely on this Age
My life is worth living 'cause with God, I engage
Regularly through prayer so my life is now gauged
But it's always in my favour despite my past grades
Bad grades I had but Jesus cleaned my page
I now act like Him, my face-off like Nick. Cage

The old me died so consider my stage-
Of reasoning the beginning of what can change our Age
I could rant, could rave, could express anger and rage
But I've got Jesus so, I'm good, I'm free, not caged
I'm changed, I'm paid for, my life is written on the pages
Of the Book of Life, yessir, I'm engaged

I'm part of the Bride who's waiting on her Spouse
Who's coming back to take the Church back to His House.

- Inspired by God, I'm grateful that I can say, I've got nothing to rant about
- It's by God's grace and through Jesus that my Life looks so bright. Thank You Jesus.

I was led by God to do this and posted it on Craigslist. I thought, since there's freedom to post anything about anything under the Craigslist rants and raves section, I decided to witness to people angry and hurting the way I know how.
Who's with me?
If God tells you to do the same, go for it too... let's not limit spreading the gospel and limit where and how God can reach a lost soul.

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In response to a request by a brother in Christ, I remade the instrumental for 116 Clique's Man Up Anthem featuring Lecrae, KB, Trip Lee, Tedashii, Sho Baraka, PRo and Andy Mineo.
This wasn't easy to do lol
Yeah, God helped me big time on this one. It is not a perfect clone, hopefully I left my fingerprint on it a little bit... and this is not illegal to do as far as I know ;)
Yeah, so it's available for free download to any and everyone. Enjoy and please PLEASE PLEASE leave a comment like you "awesome" peeps always do :D

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Romans 12:16

This verse in the Bible gives us wonderful advice especially about pride. Many people today want to hang with the "rich kids", the "hot guy or girl", the famous "sports star". This happens in Varsity, high school, everywhere.

As you can see(mouse over the Bible verse), Romans 12:16 the Bible says otherwise. It says clearly, "Do not be proud". If God says do not do something and you do it, automatically, you've sinned. Do not lie, do not steal, do not commit adultery, etc.... you see the similarity.

Be willing to associate... not "associate because it makes me look good" or "associate because I have to...", no. When you're willing to do something, you don't have a "have to..." attitude, you do it with a joyful heart. When you're obeying this commandment, do it willingly... and joyfully.

Take my advice: Obey the Bible, obey God.

Now, don't get me wrong, I didn't say avoid (cut-off and isolate) yourself from rich people. No. Associate with both if and when you're told to under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. God loves us all regardless of the label society puts on us.

Please share it if you like it

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Fearing God is wisdom

Here's the intro: 
So I created the wallpaper below a while back and used the Bible verse, Proverbs 1:7 (The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and understanding) as the Bible verse for it.

Te funny thing is, I love this verse so much and I thought I knew what it means, but God just told me the actual meaning: Prepare to get convicted; Yes, I will convict even myself under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, but fools despise wisdom and understanding.
It means simply: Those who fear the Lord are wise, but if you do not fear God, you think and consider wisdom and understanding to be useless and look down on it. If you do not fear God, you are not wise and don't understand what's important. Harsh but true statement.

Now all of you (including me) who are Christians are probably thinking, "Nah, that doesn't apply to me; I'm saved, I love Jesus, I fear God...". This thought is good if you actually are trying and fighting the good fight of faith. If you are lukewarm or cold, this thought will lead you to hell. Remember: The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

John 14:15 says: "If you love me, keep my commandments".
And what does Luke 10:16 say? "He who listens to you listens to me; he who rejects you rejects me; but he who rejects me rejects him who sent me."
See the connection?

Each and every human being who is able to read this has sinned against God... basically broken God's commandments, to say the least. We have all committed adultery and cheated on God by having idols in our lives, and also via our lustful thoughts, we have all lied before, and stolen... to name a few, so we all don't keep God's commands.

But Jesus told us to keep God's commandments, and that if we don't listen to Him, we reject God who sent Him. 
The question now is: Is it possible for you to live in a holy fear of God, yet reject Him?No. Nope. Nah ah. Impossible.

With all our baggage and garbage, thanks be to God for sending Jesus to die for our sins, once and for all. Praise be to His awesome, amazing and glorious name.
Now whenever we sin and ask God to forgive us, He does and forgets our sin. #NewSlate
So we imperfect unholy children can now be perfect and Holy in God's sight when we have Jesus living in us.

Whether Christian or not, when we sin, it means we don't fear God, but when we obey God and keep His commands, we fear God, and are therefore wise and have understanding.

I pray that God reveals Himself to you and I intimately, and shows us His amazing grace, love and holiness to break our hearts when we sin against Him. Thank You God for always watching and keeping us. We love You. Amen.


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Okay, this video has ministered to me big, all glory to God.
I got up in the middle of the night to battle on God's command, I did and God gave me grace to defeat.
I felt led to go on facebook; I did and stumbled upon this video (as well as some other much needed reminders)... God is faithful.

So yeah, N.I.F.T.Y is a blessed Canadian rapper who the True Vine Productions audience (which as of now is mostly from the United States) might not know about. Well, I think this video will be a great introduction.

N.I.F.T.Y. - Greater is HE ft. Tyshan Knight

N.I.F.T.Y.'s sophomore album "T.H.E. O.N.E.S." is being released on 11.11.11 (November 11, 2011) on iTunes, Amazon etc.

Learn more about him and his ministry (and radio show) at

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A Christian replied: "You're right... they all lead to hell, only Jesus leads to eternal life"

I don't think that statement needs much explanation.
John 14:6 - Jesus is the way, the truth and the life... not one of the ways, one of the truth's, etc.
Religion doesn't save you and will not take you to Heaven. Only Faith in Jesus Christ can.


Something else on my heart:
1 Corinthians 14:33 - God is not a God of confusion or disorder, God is a God of order.
God does not contradict Himself; He never has, He never will.

If you are confused about something, pray about it, read your Bible and seek God's direction on that matter, and trust God to get you out of it. God will. :)

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How do I go viral

how do I go viral
Why's this mind wanting the spirals 
that can lead to pitfalls, sit tall, 'cause I feel Paul
Sometimes I feel like I'm the worst of sinners 'cause I did fall
History replays in my head, some I wish I couldn't remember
But I'm sheltered, God remembers none of them, so it's self torture
And not forgiving myself, is a sin, it goes against the scripture

Look into the sky, Splendour shows, who am I
To think that since God blessed me, I should act like I?
I should act like Jesus, the only son of Yeshua
Because the more I act like Him, the more my life runs smoother
Not saying that my action is what keeps God closer
I'm telling of the grace He gave me so I'm a good servant

I've recently been spending time with God, it's not a prison
The more I live with Him, the more life has reason
The more I spend in His Word, the more I keep on breathing
Clear and fresh 'cause His word, it keeps away diseases
And though it seemed to have left, another reason for believing
And spending time with God, is that it gives me grace to be a model student

I'm loving to study now, facebook, my blog, soundcloud come after
I'm wanting to play Trackmania, but self control is His answer
And maybe I'll play some today, but none till the early hours
I need to get to bed early, so I can study, let my grades show the world the Ruler
Over everything is God, be it math, web design or Java
I'd say my name here, but no, Jesus is the only Name worth keeping in your Medulla Oblongata 

Copyright 2011, Tonye Brown. All Rights reserved.

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God inspired via Romans 2:
God used this chapter in Romans to change my mindset on God's children [who are not saved yet] and my relationships with them.
I can admit that I have many times, intentionally or unintentionally, by my actions, words or behaviour, looked down on unsaved people
That is wrong. Very few believers can say they haven't done so before. #NotAnExcuse ;)

Imagine God looking at you and shaking His head and thinking "I wouldn't do something like that..." or something along those lines, or Jesus, when He came to earth looking at us who need salvation as people so inferior to Him that He didn't share the gospel? Where would we be? Saved? I doubt it.

The only difference between any believer and an unbeliever (a person not serving Jesus) is this: We have been saved by grace and through this amazing grace serve God, and can resist sin; We have Jesus Christ, and they don't. Jesus is the only difference. And don't think for a second that God doesn't love them just as much as He loves you either, God does.
Remember: While we were still sinners, Jesus Christ died for us (and people not saved); that is true love.

So, please join me and many other brothers and sisters to change our mindset, to renew our minds from a view not from God. We are to hate sin not sinners. God is patient, just as He was with you and me until we became His servants, so wait on God as He does the work in lives of the unsaved.

Read Romans 1 and 2, you'll learn a lot. I'm going to go back to refresh my mind, then continue writing. After a quick scan, Romans 2 alone can be used to breed so many blog posts, it's loaded that much. 

The first verse (Romans 2:1): whatever time you judge the other, you are condemning yourself because you do the same things.
If you are being honest with yourself, that verse is so true and applicable to all of us believers.

That being said, how would you go about loving someone who sins while hating their sin?

The answer: 
How does God keep on loving us, while He hates our sin? Simple. Jesus.
God sees Jesus when He sees us. And before we had Jesus, God loved us enough to give us salvation through someone preaching the gospel to us, be it written, vocally or some other form.

Don't hate. Preach, love and let your actions point to Christ (not always easy, I know).
Don't hate the sinner. Preach of the good news of Jesus Christ that erases sin.
Don't hate the sinner. Love the sinner but hate the sin.

I was going to post this somewhere else, but why not share it I believe God told me.
My first Bible study at my new awesome church was from God. It challenged me, and got me pumped to fight sin more and be more like Christ. Two days later, I wrote and recorded this song. Pray it blesses you. It's called No Fears.

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Lecrae's Cypher on BET - All glory to God

So I just came back from my Bible Study, super empowered and get on facebook and see the links everywhere... Lecrae tore the BET set up with those Spirit led and filled bars... I was like wow.
All glory to God... this is amazing. Check it out below... God used him big here... I love You, Jesus :)
Lecrae goes on second.

Lecrae on BET cypher
Lecrae on BET cypher

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The Happiest Little Girl Ever Thanks God

The Happiest Little Girl Ever Thanks God

Wow, this one of those videos that make you smile ridiculously big and fill you with joy :D
To sum it up, she asked God to heal her, God did and she was ecstatic... filled with Joy from the Holy Spirit clearly (like her mom said). Who says a child cannot be filled with the Holy Spirit? It us possible. The girl was sooo happy :)

Train up a child in the way he should grow an when he is old, he will not depart from it. (Proverbs 22:6)

Watch the video on GodVine (The Happiest Little Girl Ever Thanks God).

'via Blog this'

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First up, a new single from Rhema Soul.
This song is just a huge blessing from God to me... I'm feeling it big time.

Rhema Soul - Shine In The Night feat. A.D.

Next up, the official video for Author of Life, the first single from Antioch's Debut album called "Imago Dei" available on Bandcamp and Noisetrade (for free). True Vine Productions is proudly a part of this project, all glory to God. Watch the video in HD.

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Watch Flavorfest online right now

I'm watching flavorfest online now and Flame is giving a message from God that is blessing me right now. It started on Thursday (6th October, 2011) and will be ending on Sunday.
Lot's of other Christian artists are going to minister throughout this event, don't miss it. The live stream is free online.
Go there and watch it right now:

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Galatians 6:10Galatians 6:10
Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.

I don't have much to say (I know, weird right? :P ); The Bible verse above is more than sufficient to reveal more than my mind can.
It (the Bible verse) is something I believe in, and God has given me the grace to live by. 
That said, I hope that this video encourages and inspires you to, [even if it means going out of your way to] do good for our brothers and sisters in Christ. 
The video is Mark Driscoll's message to his church after visiting Haiti (through God's supernatural provision) and seeing the Church [...] I'll let you watch it instead.

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Antioch's debut album, Imago Dei, is officially available on Noisetrade (, CD-Baby( and will be available on Itunes soon.

Antioch - Imago Dei
I'm currently listening to this album and it is a huge blessing and encouragement to believers. God's grace is upon this brother. So, don't just take my word for it, go download it on Noisetrade.

Listen to the single below - Author of Life.

The Itunes version has 8 songs on it, the Noisetrade version has 11.
A music video is in the works too, so keep ya ears open!!! :D

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4 Scenes from the movie "Courageous"

I really really really feel led and pressed by God to share this with everyone, especially the guys (men) out there.
Courageous is an amazing movie. The plot is fantastic and captivating, and it is one of the few clean movies that Hollywood puts out from time to time.
Okay, to make your decision easier, I am going to share the trailer for the movie and 4 other scenes to convince you to go see this movie. It will bless you and you can take away stuff from it. I believe God is behind this, and God really wants to see His male children take a stand and act like the men that they should be; To be different from the [unsaved] men in the world.

Official Movie Trailer:

Opening Scene from Courageous

Finishing Well

When did you...

Rich Man

Courageous is going to be huge blessing by God's grace, mercy and power.
Another thing I love about is the fact that is shows the issues with manhood across various races. 
Pray about this movie too. Let's ask for God's help so that as many men (and women) as possible see it. God can use this movie to sow a seed and change lives.


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2 Movies I Strongly suggest everyone sees

1. Courageous
This movie is amazing. I didn't know that there existed Hollywood movies that God would be proud of. This one is one of them. Watch the trailer below. As of right now, this movie is in theatres; Go see it with your family if you can. The era of low-quality and sub-par faith-based movies is gone. God has blessed His bride with a Spirit of Excellence so incredible that it is difficult to grasp.
Visit the official website:

2. The Grace Card
This one looks very good too. Check the trailer out and see why for yourself:
The only thing with this one is that I don't think it's playing in theatres right now, so you'll need to get a DVD.
Visit the official website:


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"If a man in poverty cannot sit by a man worth millions, we do not look like the church." Encouraging story.
These are the words of a pastor in Albany, Georgia who God used to bridge racial divides.

This is so encouraging.
One man had obeyed God's voice, reached out and God did the rest. 
If there's one thing we should take away from the video, it's this: If the Church is one in Christ (equal with no regard to race, culture, financial worth and history), we will be used to change and influence our world for Christ.

Bridging Racial Divides

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