Don't get me wrong, I very much like the idea of trying to change bad habits, or setting goals to improve yourself and your life, but I do not like the idea of people going on such missions on their own; without God's help, failure is almost guaranteed and yeah, people get depressed and stuff... and that leads to more ...stuff.
Firstly, I'm not here to make you feel bad whether or not you're a Christian who has made plans (or some New Year's Resolution) for 2012 (hello 2012).
I am here to implore you to consider (and I pray you actually do) asking God to plan your life out, to give you grace to set godly goals that will glorify Him, goals that can save lives [eternally] and to love people more.
My New Year's Prayer is this: That God gives me the grace to go hard after Him and to serve Him better and more faithfully than I ever did at my best this year. I don't know what yours is, but if your new year's resolution is not rooted in God, I'll respectfully ask you to reconsider.
What should I do if I fail at keeping My New Year's Resolution?
Get up again and try if you fall. A righteous (godly) man falls down 7 times but gets back up again... (Proverbs 24:16)
Never stay on the ground; you might get used to that feeling and not want to strive to be better.
I'll repeat what I heard on a show I love on tv:
"Striving [or trying] is what builds [and shows] character"
Not trying does not help you grow. God only expects you to try to change. He's here to help. He'll do the rest.
In the new year, instead of making a resolution to be a better you, make a prayer and set a goal to be a better person in CHRIST; be a better servant of Yeshua and serve His Son, Jesus Christ.
In 2012, desire to be a Spirit led Man/Woman of God. In doing so, you are not only bettering yourself here on earth, but getting yourself prepared for Heaven as you get transformed into the image of Jesus.
God will be pleased. God bless You and pray for more of God's grace on you and your families in 2012.
† ;)