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WASTE my life

WASTE my life?
I'll "WASTE my life" gladly
I'll serve Him everyday, spend time in His presence everyday(2 Timothy 3:16)
talk with him, live for Him ask Him for bread everyday(Luke 11:3)

Give my tithes, give my offerings, even my first fruits(Malachi 3:10)
Fight my flesh, kill myself so that I bear spiritual fruits(John 15:4)
Work and press for nothing seen(Philippians 3:14)
So I gain what man cannot see(2 Corinthians 4:18)

Forsake the pleasure for this life(Hebrews 11:25)
So I'm part of the body, God's wife (the Bride) (1 Corinthians 10:17)
Refuse to hit the clubs to lust and get myself lost in this trip
I've not been lifted up from sin to let Jesus feel disgrace to me

God forbid that I a teacher will direct the lost but get in a maze (James 3:1)
I'll do my best thought my flesh is lazy, from His pasture I will graze (Proverbs 10:4)

Worship God while the world chooses sin
Attend to His business, help to clean
Saints who strive to stay true to the
Teachings that Christ through the Holy Spirit revealeth
Everyday I'll live for Christ though the world call it waste, I will WASTE for Christ.

Copyright© 2011
Tonye Bezalel Brown (under the inspiration of Yeshua)

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Like I do

Do you have Christ like I do? Hate or appreciate Him, you could die to live like I do.

Eyes opened up, I see my flesh is pleased too easily, so play hard to get to sin like I do.

Christ died to save me, Now I get joy from Him not things so please worship Him like I do.

I was missing like a captain in Vietnam, God sent His Commando to get me out of the dungeon, so I'll rather be crazy to the world rather than miss out on exalting Him like Spurgeon, and take the shame for knowing Him, please do like I do.

They say I smile a lot, His grace shows a lot, whether I try to or not, He chooses to use the lost, so I'll act the part like Freeman except I Lean on Him, not me, mimic Him, not sin, copy Christ like I do.

I have sinned a lot, I'll probably sin again, with God all things are possible so there's a chance that my flesh, will lose it's hold over me and I will cease to sin, so I try hard to press and not to look back on the mess that God knew that I would do yet sent His Mantle to undo the mess that I did, I do and may or not do, so love Hebrews 11 the way that I do.

Is it possible to sin and commit treason against the King yet couple of seconds later God has mercy and uses you to do a big thing?

Does God care that you sinned, that you leaned on that dude or girl, that you stripped and showed His temple for some agent from Hell? That you misrepresented Him and made that soul rather go to hell than be a part of what You believe in all so yo can belong? Does God care that you once knew Him, loved Him and respected Him, now you go around using the greatest Name as a curse word, using the greatest gift He gave to you to exalt Him for sin?

Yes God does. He hates sin. I hate sin but I attract her to me.

Every man or woman is tempted by their evil desires so I refuse to believe that it is only me and it is only you so I refuse to do and act like I'm perfect, the sinners I love and some believers I look up to... I'm grateful for grace, so thank God daily like I do.

Don't take this personal, if you do, I'm not sorry, cos what I'm about to flow from within me, through Him will make someone hate me for a while but will eventually see Him through me.

God, Jehovah, the only great provider of everything we could ever desire is the same as Jesus, Father and Holy Spirit, thank You, for this snippets of things uncontainable and not written down from when You came, I'm really grateful.

When I say God, don't get it wrong, it may not be your God because if the book you read does not put Him and classify Him as the top of the food chain, as the only One from Whom it all came, as the only One Who is without stain, your God is not mine.

My God is not Muhammad, Buddha, etc, et cetera.

My God is not dead and is second to none like all the rest are.

My God is supreme and above all like none others are.

My God is King and will always be what no other god can.

If you're with me, and believe Him, rest in Him and need Him,

Daily for survival, He's our Air and heir

So we adhere to Him because we know He cares for us when we were lost, and cares for those who still are...

Take a step of faith and share this message, let God use you, He will say, "Thank you for doing like I do".


Copyright© 2011
Tonye Bezalel Brown (under the inspiration of Yeshua)

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Reach Records announced that they've added Pro to the Reach Records family.
Great great great. It's always a joy when I hear of the partnerships going on in the body of Christ... it really is sooo good.
And to kick it off, PRO and KB(also recently signed to Reach Records) have a new single titled "116". Listen to it below.

Also, the release date for Tedashii's new album is scheduled for April 26th 2011... I cannot wait. I bet other fans of Tedashii share my anticipation... and don't get it twisted, my anticipation for this album is not the same as my anticipation for things of God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit(an amazingly humble side of God).

Here's the Single "116" featuring KB

Source Rapzilla

Tedashii's picture

By the way,
Desiring God is a real good book. Check it out on Amazon. It'll show you another side of God... and feel free to ask any questions you have by contacting me.

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Dude!!! ... or Sister!!!...
God has been putting ideas in my mind and the more I wait for it to come into perfection and completion(which it will in Jesus Name, Amen), the more I know that the Spirit of perfection that I asked God for will be really needed.
I've heard two very high quality mixtapes recently... one by Concept called D.R.E.A.M and now this one "BREAX OVER" by theBREAX.

The breax over mixed by DJ WADE O

The production, lyrics and mixing is real real good.

God, I'm still and patiently waiting for that Spirit of perfection. Thank You for sending it and I'll keep thanking you till I see it manifested.

via Rapzilla.

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God is always on Time... God is never late.
You know what time is, so... I won't give you a definition... or maybe I should... I will.
Time is a part of the measuring system used to sequence events, to compare the durations of events and the intervals between them, and to quantify rates of change such as the motions of objects.(SOURCE)

Time in the Bible
God's ways are the best... Only God knows best and wants what is best for us, even more than our very own selves. You MUST agree to the statement above if you're a believer.

...A day is like a thousand years to God, and a thousand years are like a day(to God). The Lord is not slow in keeping His promise as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish but everyone to come to repentance. (2 Peter 3:8-9)

What is that beautiful verse saying?
It isn't saying that God will delay answering prayers, intervening, etc... it means that God will do it in His time which is the best and when God chooses to step in (no matter how long it may have been or seem to you); to God, you may just have waited a few minutes and you better not get impatient with God. God owes no man anything... remember that.

Be patient. God is not slow to answer. Habakkuk 2:3. Wait for it now. It won't delay.

Thank You Jesus

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You can defeat temptation
Facts about temptation
1. A temptation is a test.
2. Temptations don't come our way to make us fail, God lets us get tempted(by the devil) to build us up.
3. God will not and will never let us get tempted beyond(more than) what we can handle or defeat. (1 Corinthians 10:13)
4. Temptations are not from God. Temptations are from the devil and demons.
5. Having a temptation doesn't mean you sinned. Falling, succumbing or submitting to temptation is when you sin.
6. You will grow from temptations, just try and put some effort. When you get tempted and resist the temptation successfully, you grow from it and build resistance to that temptation until it no longer has any hold over you.

In no time, you will see and look back and laugh wondering why such little tests could influence you. You will grow in Jesus name. Amen. (Feel free to insert your Amen here :D )

One in Christ.

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16 flood victims raised from the dead

This is an amazing amazing story.
I'll summarize it in as few words as possible then give you the link to read the full article.

Here's a snippet from the full post.

The people in Caleme reported that 5 American men went near the 5 bodies and yelled, "Rise and live in the name of Jesus." The dead bodies started to shake and stood up and walked and are alive. At the nearby morgue, there were 10 dead bodies in the hallway. People said that 5 foreign women went near the bodies and said, "Rise and live in the name of Jesus." The dead bodies shook and stood up shaking and walking and were alive. People were screaming, yelling. Riot at the barrio of Caleme. These 5 dead bodies in the street of Caleme have been dead since Wednesday January 12. The 10 dead bodies in the morgue have been left in the hallway since Wednesday. People have talked to the dead risen. They were still weak but were able to talk and they said, "I was in a dark place many people crying, shouting. Was I asleep? Now I am alive!" "I know I was dead. I was in a dark, ugly place. I do not know what happened, but I am back to life. God is alive.” The families of these dead are celebrating and happy. There has been hope in Caleme since Saturday.

...and share the testimony with everyone you know.
True Vine Productions default blog image

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Listen to God
Father God I'm calling. Thank You Jesus Christ for praying for me and loving me, your commitment to Your Bride it amazes me, but makes me see that I can't hold the grudges still if I claim to be still and know when You're here, there's is the Kingdom, those that are persecuted so I am ashamed that some don't know You're my Guide, some don't know that I serve You and yet I'm claiming "I'm God's tool"... fool!
You say that God doesn't exist yet when things don't go your way, you yell "God why me?"... um... you say that you serve nothing yet when facing death you cry "God save and help me".
You are not helping yourself or someone else by throwing words around
Don't you know that what you say in secret will come back to you like a boomerang, Mustang, you got power so you trust in it, you think you're soo big, let me tell you what you are,
Dust that will blow away, scarlet that would fade away, a lost soul in a desert trying to fight the sand in it's home
Earth is not our home, we only live cos God says so, and by God I mean Yeshua not allah or budha.
See the difference, not only with respect to Grammar
Yeshua is capitalized while others are left as they are
Small and so negligible cos they died without knowing Who
Came to take their place as sin so they can worship Beautiful
It's my duty to, speak and write what He tells me to
I got up took a shower and this came through
And I had to write it and not think through
I won't edit it I'll live it raw
By the way, who can dare say, God does not speak today?
His voice is very clear, though it may be soft
It speaks through my heart, can you hear a heart's thump
Exactly, only if you listen closely can you hear the Savior whispering
And I hope and I pray that this message is His and does it's ministering to you.

Thank You God.

Copyright© 2011
Tonye Bezalel Brown (under the inspiration of Yeshua)

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Skill and the Spirit of Perfection/Excellence

Lecrae is number 2 and 18 on Itunes. Praise God.
Proverbs 22:29
Do you see a man skilled in his work? He will serve before kings; he will not serve before obscure(mere/ordinary) men.

It really blows my mind to see two Christian rap albums among the top 30 hiphop/rap albums on Itunes.
But then again, it shouldn't, with God all things are possible. God's grace is upon Lecrae and God is using him to take he gospel to nations, literally. 
I pray for the Spirit of perfection too... I need it, we all need it... not just in music but in a whole bunch of areas.

Genesis 17:1 "I am God Almighty; walk before me and be blameless...". 
Some translations of the Bible say perfect instead of blameless.

We all need a Spirit of perfection that can only be attained by trust and faith in God through Jesus Christ(the only Way to God). 
We need a Spirit of perfection to attain and strive to be holy, morally, etc. Is it attainable? I mean, can you actually be sinless? Can I say that I have never sinned and not be lying? My answer, Yes.
You can say that I have never sinned before and not be lying.
2 Corinthians 5:17. If anyone is in Christ, he/she is a new creation, the old is gone, the new is here.
Everytime you confess of your sins, God forgives and forgets them, God keeps no records of your wrongs.(God is love(1 John 4:16), love keeps no records of wrongs(1 Corinthians 13:5).. see the connection?)
Since God keeps no records of wrongs, it means He, God does not remember your sins.
We are the righteousness of God through faith in Christ Jesus(Romans 3:22).
When God sees us, He sees Jesus, because we are in Jesus, who is completely sinless, has no sin, none whatsoever.
So, when I say I was a sinner, but I've never sinned, whether you agree with it or not, whether it makes sense or not, it is a fact. I am not saying that Christ didn't die for my sins, I am saying that ever since I accepted Christ, my old sins are gone and don't exist anymore, so I'm not a sinner anymore and have no sin. I'm now perfect(because I am in Christ Who is perfect), that's how God created me and you if you have Christ. Accept Christ now if you have any doubts.

I do not dwell on my past sins but look unto God and believe in Him for my future victory.(Isaiah 43:18-21 , 2 Peter 3:13-14)

This doesn't give me a right to sin or encouragement to do so, it just pushes me forward to strive to live a more holy life because of God's undying amazing love for me.

So I'm perfect, because God made me perfect, but I'll pray for the Spirit of perfection until I see it manifest in my life and until I start living like the perfect man God created me to be. 


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Lecrae Rehab album artwork with yellow symbol >> Image
The most popular post on True Vine Productions as I'm writing this post is the post titled "Lecrae explains the meaning of the Rehab album symbol"(Read it here).

I have never believed that the 3 yellow R's revolving represent 666. I believe Lecrae is a man of God... concerned about the gospel being spread.

Some people in my earlier post believe that Lecrae is not a man of God... and these allegations can cause doubt... doubt in the authenticity of Lecrae's ministry. Even I was getting a little bit uneasy (which is funny because Lecrae is like a big brother to me in many ways)... the devil is trying to get people to lose their belief in the honest and faith of a minister. Of course. Which big minister out there isn't always under attack. 

Anyways, you need to watch the interview with Lecrae and Trip Lee below from Steelroots... They do it all for God and God's glory... btw, thanks Blessing for sharing this on facebook for me to see.

I urge and encourage all of you my brothers and sisters not to bring another brother's ministry down, do not shoot your body in the foot and ask why we're not moving fast enough.
Do I know 100% if Lecrae is doing it for God, NO. Only God knows that. No man on earth can see the heart, therefore no man knows 100% Lecrae's heart except revealed to him/her by God.
God will not let His name be put to shame.

The explanation of the symbol on the Rehab album cover

Need some more clarity... check the articles under Bible terms. Growth is necessary for you to walk and live in that place of grace and joy in God through faith in Christ Jesus.

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Three Free beats and Instrumentals for Christian rap header image
It's been a while since I actually gave you guys something special.
I hope this means a lot to you because it does to me.
I'm giving you guys three free beats to use for whatever you want as long as it brings glory to God. Be it a mixtape, background music for a video or just something to add to your iPod, here are three free beats.

Enjoy and God bless you.


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Flame - Move - Banging Track all round

Lyrics: Check!!
Beat:  Check!!
Flow:  Check!!
Uplifting to the body: Check!!!!!

This is just one of the many songs from Flame's project Captured that is amazing. You gotta go get it from Itunes or Amazon.
Kidding... only about the "NOW!!!" part though.
Get this album, it will be a blessing to you.

Flame Captured Album artwork

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Give Your Perfume

I came across this statement while reading Tortured For Christ by Richard Wurmbrand.(Link to get it on Amazon)... good book by the way.

He wrote:
A flower, if you bruise it under your feet rewards you by giving  it's perfume.

Isn't that one fine statement?

A very true statement too. If you stepped on a beautiful red rose on the ground, you would most likely smell the rose's perfume.

What if we believers lived a perfume-giving life.

An unbeliever(someone who doesn't have Christ in their hearts) may not get it and might even ask: "Why?"... "Why do you take so much crap and give none back?", with regard to the statement below.

A Perfume-Giving Life
A lifestyle, a whole and totally new godly way-of-life that only constitutes repaying good for evil, never repaying bad for bad (never evil for evil).

If someone hurts (steps on) you (the beautiful flower), reward the person with your perfume by either being honestly and genuinely kind (not fake and hypocritical) and pray for them. Be a Light, and hopefully lead someone to Christ or be an example to our younger brothers and sisters both in and outside the faith (we on the Christian walk/run/race) on how to live so they can grow and be perfume givers as well.

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What is doubt?
The state of being unsure of something

Doubt in the Bible
Doubt is any thought from the devil that contradicts or tries to make you not to believe anything God has stated in His Word, the Bible.

Advantages of Doubt
NONE. Doubt has no advantages.

Disadvantages of Doubt
A bunch
- Doubt makes you unsure, scared, fearful, etc
- Reduces your faith level
- God doesn't like doubt
- James 1:6 - 8
verse 6: 
- When you ask, you must believe and not doubt (Self explanatory)
- He who doubts is like a wave of sea, blown and tossed. Your spiritual life/faith should be rock-solid, planted and built firmly on the grace and belief in Jesus Christ)
verse 7-8: 
- God doesn't like doubt.
- Doubt contradicts God's word and God only acts according to His will, which is clearly stated in his Word(the Bible);
- 1 John 5:14 - 15

Help to defeat doubt
- Be relaxed, don't be stressed about anything happening around you. God knows, cares and is working on/fixed it already. Philippians 4:6 - 7
- Be thankful for stuff God has done (sent Christ to doe for you and much more), is doing), etc. Remembering what God has done in the past, not even the "Christian things", maybe when God delivered you in the past from something, etc removes doubt. Try it.
- The most important: You must have Christ. You must be born again. Without having Christ, doubts cannot be defeated. With Christ, doubts are already defeated. You will get tempted, but you've already overcome.
By His stripes we were healed (from anything plaguing us be it physical or spiritual) (1 Peter 2:22)

Hope this was useful to you in some way.

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I'm a Light - Beat | Instrumental

Matthew 5:14
"You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. ... "You are light
for the world. A city cannot be hidden when it is located on a hill.

That's what I got when looking for a name for this beat, I believe God gave me that.

This beat is not free, you can lease it or get it exclusively from

Should I freestyle... maybe I will

I'm a Light(x3)
I'm a Light so bright because I got a Bright King

I'm a Light walking showing how a servant listens
Daddy says shine, Ignition, I'm glistening
To glow brighter, I'm listening to
His soft spoken words through the scriptures, tool
The Bible is my cloth I use to wipe the dust off
You don't fear the Most High, makes you a fool
My headlamps are glowing red and white
I'm not fibre optical, I'm just plugged in right
My dish is facing light so my reception is right
I do all things with Christ, nothing gets me saying cant...
(...copyright, me, Bezalel, 2011)

I'll stop there...
Hope that was encouraging.

(maybe someone wants to feature me... huh... contact me then.)

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Canton Jones explains his song "In Da Club"

Canton Jones Explains the song In Da Club Image
Well well well, I believe you've probably heard Canton Jones' song, In Da Club.
You may be one of the people who love it, or one of those who hate it, either way, it's an amazing song, musically and otherwise.
I have to mention that this song has generated a huge HUGE discussion and debate on Rapzilla and yeah, we believers have to stop jumping to conclusions, me included.

I and a bunch of others have been waiting for an explanation for the bleeped out parts of the song and Canton Jones explained himself and well, it was worth the wait.
All I'm going to say is this, In Da Club is a testimony and I love it.
(If you haven't heard the original song, scroll down to the last video below to hear it)

The Explanation

The Original song

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You Hold Me Now

Worship Music Image on True Vine Productions
I want to worship God for everything... God has been very good and gracious to me...
Here are some songs from Hillsong United that are amazing, calm the Spirit,etc... amazing indeed.

You Hold Me Now

Age to Age (His Glory Appears)

Yahweh (Faith + Hope + Love)

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Follow up on Ted Williams - His story

We find out more about the amazing story of God's grace and mercy, how He redeems His children in trouble. The video is amazing. All glory to God.

Watch a follow-up interview on the Today Show about Ted Williams story, and history. God is good.

Image of Ted Williams Interview on Today Show

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This song is so clean and the quality is soo good... sound wise, production wise, lyrics amazing and the features (G-Bags and GEMS) were all incredible as well.
Honestly, our brothers in the U.K. are operating on a very high level of grace... that's the truth.
Here it is, enjoy.

I love Dwayne Tryumf... yeah, I know, you too :D

Get the single on Amazon.

King Jesus by Dwayne Tryumf featuring G-BAG and GEMS >> IMAGE

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And to think that I ever doubted in God's ability, that I didn't believe what He said He'll do for me as promised in His Word... well, no more of that.
I don't know about what you'll feel, but after watching this video, not only was I filled with joy because of how warm the story is, I was filled with joy because I know that God did all this because of His love for this son of His.

Ted Williams is an ex-homeless man who God has blessed with a Golden voice. Watch the video below. I wanna hear this guy as a sports commentator... what a voice!!!.

God takes care of His children and I'm very proud to be one of His.
Share this wonderful video with your friends and family... if you don't, someone else will :D

Psalms 11:7 - For the LORD is righteous, he loves justice; upright men will see his face.

God is indeed worthy to be praised.



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Did you know that the part of your brain that handles your thoughts and thinking, the cerebrum, is in front of your head? Take a look at the picture below.
No. I didn't write this post just to tell you that your thinking process is controlled by the Cerebrum.

Think about this statement.
You can't move forward while your mind is backwards
You can't move forward and grow with God when your mind is stuck with the archaic ways of the world. 

You need to renew your mind(through the correct application of God's Word, and accepting His Son, Jesus as your Lord and Saviour) for you to move forward and grow in your relationship with God.

You can't move forward(grow) if your brain, which encompasses your mind is being filled with filth. 
To move forward, you need to think in line with God and His Word, and that is impossible when you put garbage in your mind.

This 2011, stay away from evil movies, music, books, people, etc. 
What I mean by stay away is not that you should cut-off and not be lights of God to them, but that you should be careful to make your interactions with them be of benefit to God not the devil; you influence them, not the opposite.... yeah, noted to myself too.

In Christ.

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All things are yours

Everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, it's not the end... if you have Christ.
The statement in the Picture is so true... if you have Christ
Before anyone jumps to conclusions and calls me a "Health, Wealth and Prosperity" person, which I have nothing against when included with "Hate, Death and Persecution", I discovered something very important from my Bible Study on 1 Corinthians (and yeah, thanks Joel :D).

1 Corinthians 3:22-23(hover over the link to read it)
So then, no more boasting about men! All things are yours, whether Paul or Apollos or Cephas(Peter) or the world or life or death or the present or the future—all are yours, and you are of Christ, and Christ is of God.

Pretty interesting statement huh?

Paul was correcting the Corinthians who had broken into dispute over who's "camp" they belonged to... whether Paul or Peter's or Apollos
Does this remind you of anything happening today? Especially in the CHH industry? I'm not even going to give examples, if you want any, contact me specifically about that :D

It was so important that Paul felt the need to emphasize it twice, that All things are ours.

What things?
The earth is the LORD's, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it. (Psalms 24:1)

Ask of God and He will give to you, and I'm not just talking about the physical stuff, God loves to provide for your spirit as well. (Philippians 4:19). Every need.


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Here's the Official video for C-Lite's song "In My City".
The video is beautiful, all the people who came together in God's name in NYC, the music good... overall, I wish I was there...
God belongs in my City, I'll do my best to make my city, God's city...
What are you going to do about yours? Something I hope.


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