Json's newest single from his upcoming album "Growing Pains" is more than amazing. Growing pains is being released on February 21, 2012.
Json - Making Me Over featuring Pastor AD3 and Tedashii
My Thoughts
It's so different that I love it soo much. It's like an anthem but it's got a worship-y vibe. The production is soo clean too.
More thoughts
Soli Deo Gloria. That's a phrase that I use a lot and will continue to use... a lot :D. God is making me (and you) over; the work that God has started, God will complete and bring to perfection.
This song is one of my Theme songs... I love it. God is moulding me into the person that He sees me as; I'm not who I used to be all glory to God.
I'm trying hard to put my feelings into words, but I can't; The song has got God all over it. #Anthem #Worship #Wow #Enjoy #SorryForOverUsingHashTags
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