The post is awesome, please read it [especially if you're some sort of student].
The question that hit me the most on that post is this:
God asking me "Why did you use your hours the way you did?"
As of right now, I would turn red in embarrassment and guilt if God asked me that question now; I guess God is.
I think this post is to help wake some people up. Me included.
Why did you use your hours the way you did?
We know better, way better. When we're wasting time doing something we shouldn't be, we all know.
When I'm in my room on my desk facebooking or in bed playing Drag Racing on my phone, at the back of my head, I know that I should be out there chilling with the peeps who live around me being a light.
But I usually don't.
It is way easier to stay in our comfort zone and maybe even be doing homework or reading your Bible when God actually might want you at that very moment to be out there being a Light.
By the way, a Light is any Believer or Christian who; a true servant of God who obeys Him.
I want to urge you to reconsider how you use your time even if you think you're Mr. or Mrs. Time-management-pro.
This 2012, make a goal to use your time well, to be good stewards of the time God has given us.
It's not going to be easy and we might not feel like using our time wisely other times :/
That's where God's grace comes in.
Making goals simply based on your will and abilities, your strength and how you feel at that moment is not guaranteed.
Grace in this case is a guarantee (2 Corinthians 12:9 - My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness.)
I can promise you that if you prayerfully commit this year into God's hands and ask Him to give you the grace to use as much time as possible for His work, God will 100% help you achieve this goal.
This is what I'm doing.
The world is waiting. God is waiting for all of us His obedient children to rise up, go out and make disciples of nations. You need time to do this whether you work, school or play.
I pray that God gives us individually as His children, and together as His bride] the grace to make more time for His work; to make an effort and to succeed in setting time aside for things that please Him.
The Kingdom of God has already taken over. We just have to believe and walk into it.
Share [any and all] tips on managing time that God reveals to you.