The update was geared at aspiring rappers, singers, etc who want to do music full-time but cannot at the moment for various reasons.
The post is very encouraging:
Another thing that I want aspiring Christian artist to know:1. Don't leave work prematurely to pursue full time music ministry!!I am no stranger to being at a job that I did not like while having a burning desire to do what I loved ( music ministry). I remember being depressed at work sometimes and frustrated with God because I so desired to be free to serve in a full time capacity. Some of you can relate to this because your cubicle feels like solitary confinement. I want to encourage you to continue to " work diligently with your hands" and serve your master (boss), not with lip service but as unto the Lord (Titus) until God releases you. There was a time when I thought it was time for me to go full time into the music ministry but once I sought counsel about it, I was advised not to do it. Bottom line... I wasn't ready yet!!!This was very discouraging for me at the time but in hindsight, I'm glad I waited because God developed the necessary character in me and put all the right pieces in place while I waited. It wasn't until two years later that I was actually released by God to get busy. In the meantime I worked and served him faithfully in areas that I could. I see too many artist leave their Jobs prematurely. If you really feel called to full time music ministry, before you leave your job I'd recommend you:1.Seek counsel from leadership in your life, not just friends2. Make sure you can sustain yourself financially, not borrowing from people to make ends meet. Embedded in the call there is always provision3. Make sure you have character that runs deep. Don't let talent take you where character can't keep you4. Consider the fact that there is often times a gap between the call( burn, burden,desire) and the going. It was 40 yrs between the call and ministry of Moses, many years of suffering for David between the time he was anointed and actually becoming King. Lastly, Jesus didn't start his ministry until he was 30.
Be patient my brothers and sisters, "God is good to those that wait on Him".
Like I said, encouraging words. They were to me at least.