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Daystar TV shared this image on their facebook page earlier today.
It gives you a list of Bible verses that can help you fight stress while your schooling starts or continues, be it college, high-school, etc. You might want to bookmark this page ;) 
Prevention is better than cure when possible.

These Bible verses should also be helpful to you if you're part of the work force (or working) already.

I've made it easy for you especially if you don't have a Bible close-by; you can view all these verses here on True Vine Productions :D

See them all below the image
Prevent stress Bible verses
The way to prevent stress is to read these Bible verses, believe them and meditate upon them over and over again. Read it over, say it out loud if you want (it works).
Hover over each Bible verse to see what it says ;)

1. Jeremiah 29:11

2. Proverbs 29:11

3. Proverbs 3:5-6

4. Proverbs 3:5-6

5. Ephesians 4:26

6. Ephesians 4:31-32

7. Matthew 6:19-21

8. Hebrews 12:6

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I randomly decided (I guess not totally random, God inspired me to do so) to create a Facebook cover photo for my personal profile on Facebook.

Guess what? I decided to be a sweetheart and share it with you :D

It says "I serve Jesus. I'm not perfect but He loves me so".
There are two versions for guys and girls (men and women) to choose from.

To download them, click on the facebook cover you want, then "Save image as".
Hope it's a blessing and can help you be a blessing to someone ;)

I Love Jesus - Christian Facebook cover photo
Version 1 - I love Jesus - Christian Facebook cover photo

I love Jesus - Christian Facebook cover photo
Version 2 - I love Jesus - Christian Facebook cover photo

Drop any questions or comments you have below.

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Living It Up - Ambassador ft Trip Lee artwork

The move compilation album is being released in less than a week (Aug 28, 2012).
Living it Up by Ambassador ft. Trip Lee is the second single from the album.

Listen to it below:

The MOVE compilation album will feature artists like Da' T.R.U.T.H, Ambassador, B Reith, Jai, Sean Simmonds, DJ Malski, Jessica Reedy and others.

It's going to be very hype. Get ready to move!

Source: Wade-O radio

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Chasing After You (MOVE) is the anthem (or theme song) for the MOVE tour, also the first single from the MOVE compilation album releasing August 28th featuring Jai, Da' T.R.U.T.H., B. Reith, The Ambassador, Sean Simmonds, Jessica Reedy and Dj Mal Ski.

Dope video.

MUSIC VIDEO: Chasing After You MOVE (@Xist_Music)

Follow the artists on twitter:
Da' T.R.U.T.H → @truthonduty
Jai → @justjai
Sean Simmonds → @seansimmonds
Jessica Reedy → @jessicareedy
The Ambassador → @ambassador215
DJ Malski → @malski
B Reith → @b_reith

MOVE (Chasing After You) - Jai, Da' T.R.U.T.H., B. Reith, The Ambassador, Sean Simmonds, Jessica Reedy and Dj Mal Ski

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I just came across these two interviews on Wade-O Radio with KB that was a blessing to hear to say the least.

Here's some of what KB and DJ Wade-O discussed:
- The success of his debut album Weight and Glory.
- How he got signed to Reach Records
- Christian hip-hop's role in him getting to know Christ
- Collaboration with Flame :D
- The Christian rapper vs Rapper that is Christian debate
- The upcoming Unashamed tour
- Lot's more that I don't feel like writing here :D

You can listen to both interviews below:
Part 1:

Part 2: Full Interview with KB Pt. 2 – Christian Rapper Debate & The Unashamed Tour | The Wade-O Radio Show

Get KB's album Weight and Glory on iTunes now.

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Eshon Burgundy - Street Runner

Eshon Burgundy is hands-down one of the best lyricists and emcees I can think off.
I've been a fan of Eshon ever since he released this video last year.
It is a rarity to find a rapper full of the Spirit who is as good a rapper as Eshon Burgundy is.
Don't sleep on him. Check the video out.

Eshon Burgundy - Street Runner 

Eshon Burgundy - Street runner

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True Vine Productions - Free Beats

Free hip hop beats for Christian artists

True Vine Productions has made beats for artists all over the world, made beats for aired commercials and more. But we're not all about just selling beats, we give back to the Body in anyway we can. Here's a playlist of free beats for artists, dj's, radio shows, etc to use without any strings except that you credit any work that you use the beat for as Produced by Bezalel/True Vine Productions.

No restrictions on how many copies you can sell or distribute either.
However, if you want any of the free beats untagged, purchase a lease for the beat at the beat-store.

Free Beat Playlist

Go check out my newer and better beats from the beat store.

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True Vine Productions - Beat Sale

beat sale
For a limited time only, beats on True Vine Productions are on sale for the following prices:

Exclusive beats: $49.99
Leased beats: $19.99

There's more. 

Check out the Beat Store for more savings when you buy more than one lease or exclusive beat.

Don't stall. Get your beats now or pre-order for future beats coming very soon.
Spread the word and let's crank out some hits.

We're very glad to be of service to you.

God bless.

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The comma of common sense before my speech in present tense gets so tense my friends refrain from being friends.

The timeline from which I speak fearlessly with no inhibits, to when phonetics stone down my flying eagle and pride hanging for life on a sharp fence.

A cage of political correctness, fake sternness and artificial prowess used by the fearless constructors of false freedom, there's no room for a false witness.

Freedom till my heels make your toe crack, wincing in agony because I made a pact to stand by facts core to my being, so you label me a social heathen.

When I'm floating in joy so happy, free to be me, gladly act wildly withstanding the need to be dressed-up by society's definition of what a free spirit is versus the Spirit's view on low cognition.

Approaching the Light in a temple, walk on to a train so vast and mighty bright and shiny, down on my face and utter words almost describing its glorious condition.

The liberty to request a need that's met but not get shut-down for being bent on controlling my tomorrow that's been catered for, the liberty to be human but be at rest.

The liberty to access privy privileges like peace, grace, love and faithfulness, the ability to talk whenever, wherever to God not being time pressed.

But "of speech" equals freedom, it being in it's purest state is of - from God.
Freedom is God. To know God means you know freedom. To be known by God, is when you experience freedom.

Woman covering mouth

Copyright © Tonye Bezalel Brown

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taylor swift break up songs, major hits

It's not very often that you pick up a pop (country or hip-hop) record without finding at least one song about a break up. I mean, everyone loves break-up songs right?

Wrong! Aarrrrrggghh! There are too many. Poison! Poooiiiison! *gasps for breath*
I don't.
But it's not about me. I guess I'm a rarity in this case because break-up songs sell... like a lot.

Need proof: Taylor Swift's new break-up ballad might sell 450,000 copies this week alone.
Adele's success (in my opinion) is hugely based of two albums themed around her break-up.

I'm beating about the bush.
Here's why break-up songs smash the charts easily:

The most obvious answer: Because we have all been broken-up with before. Be it a relationship, friendship, being fired, in some way we all have been in a break-up.
But that's not where I'm going with, with this.

Break-up songs are major hits because they play with our emotions. I'll say they do so almost perfectly well.

Humans are emotional beings but in varying measures.
Music that strikes a chord with your emotions is likely what you'll want to play over and over again.

Think about it. These songs are so well constructed that they bring out something in us that makes us feel like we relate to the song.. and in some cases we actually do.

They make us want to hit something, punch the guy that broke Taylor Swift's heart (:D ) or worse.

However, some might argue that break up songs bring out the good in us. Uh, ok.
"Well, they make us think more about our actions, they make us feel sorry for the person that was broken-up with" (or something along those lines). That's a Christian trait isn't it? To want to help people.


But that's not the case here. Break-up songs make you feel something that's not real.
They take you to a fairy-tale land of unreal dreams and outcomes.

They make you hate instead of forgive.
Make you dwell on the past instead of move on with your life.
They make you feel depressed instead of uplifted.

That's not good.

That something is highly accepted and seen as norm doesn't make it right or good for you.
Break-up songs are not good for you emotionally or spiritually.

↑ That's the point I was trying to make all along :D

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The Olympics are over! What do I do now?

Olympic-Rings - Olympics are over

For two weeks straight, I got my fill of almost every sport I love and enjoyed the random sports I never took notice of prior to the London 2012 Olympics.

But it's all over, I feel like something important in my early morning routine is now missing. I miss the olympics!

I'll get over it. I have to; school gets back in session soon and life goes on. So, here's what I'll [try] to do to help me get over Olympic withdrawals faster:

1. Read some books. I have a more than decent amount of good [and uplifting] books sitting around. I've read like 5% of two, the others are eating dust. I may as well feed my brain a bit.

2. Bike more often. I live in the downtown area of my city. I have a bike (thanks roomie). There was enough biking at the London 2012 Olympics to get me pumped up to bike a bit more. I don't have huge muscular legs like the pro bikers do, but if I bike more frequently, I might have a six-pack like the swimmers do :D #notKidding

3. Have early morning devo's. I'll admit that many times during the last 2 weeks of the Olympics being covered, I neglected reading my Bible and praying as much as I should have. I plan to get back to it, God willing, sooner than later; I need to catch up on my reading plan. I'm six weeks behind on the daily readings :/

4. I don't like running much, but I might take up running when I'm going back uphill downtown where I live. I may not be Usain Bolt or Yohan Blake, but I'm blessed with two awesome legs. If you don't have a bike, run a bit.

5. Go out more. I've stayed indoors a lot this summer mainly because I don't like the sun (I'll get to dark) and it's working; I look fresh :D
But I could always hit up starbucks and go do some work there. Be around people instead of my inanimate living room. This is very healthy for your mental well being. Being indoors too much takes a toll on you eventually.

6. I'm thinking seriously about coaching, encouraging or helping kids get into sports a little bit more. Not only is this good for them health wise, it helps with them developing social skills and more. Plus, you never know if you might be the first coach, or assistant coach to a future Olympian. Think about the number of teen Olympians that won medals this year. That's a good look on your resume ;)

Those are my plans. God willing I'll stick to most of them. And... I'm off to work. TMI? Nah.

If you have any similar plans or fail safe method to cure Olympic withdrawals, drop them in the comments below ;)

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*Coming soon*

While you wait, go read How to make Christian friends in college.

High school friends - boys and girls
Note: Your friends in high school may not look like this :D
They might not even be white, or black... or maybe they will be.
Make friends from different cultures and sub-cultures


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college-friends-on-campus Christian friends makes some
Note: Your College Christian Friends might not look like this...
or maybe they will :D .Be open to meet people from different sub-cultures.

Everyone is about to school again. High school, college, everyone. That's good. I'm kinda looking forward to it too.
But you might be wondering, "What do I do when school starts?! I've got no Christian friends!" Or "I need to get some Christian friends" or "Where can I find Christian friends at my new school?"

Well here's some help: For college students. If you're in high school, see How to find Christian friends in high-school.

If you're going to be a freshman, completely brand new at some university (or returning to University wanting to serve God more actively), as a Christian, one of the top-most things on your list should be to find a campus fellowship/ministry to become a part of eventually. A church should be way up there too.

1. Keep an eye out for posters on notice-boards and the like all around your dorm, student-union and classrooms announcing meeting times for the campus fellowship, ministry, church, etc.

2. If you're not sure you'll find the meeting place easily, get the number listed (if there's one, *fingers crossed*) and call or text asking for someone to pick you up at your dorm and possibly walk you back.

3. Don't feel compelled to join the first campus fellowship (or church) that you visit. You might want to look around to find the one that's right for you. However, God might lead you to the right one the first time. 
Caution: Don't become a Church-hopper. It's best and advisable to stay and serve at only one Church, of course, not counting the campus ministry you are part of that may or may not be part of your church.

4. Do not avoid unbelievers and form a Christian-clique. The point of us being believers is to share our faith with and/or without words. Have [unsaved] friends that you can be of influence to and not vice versa.

5. Look out for campus ministries passing out flyers on your School's new students' orientation day. Take as many as you want and prayerfully choose the ones you might want to follow up on. Kindly throw away the others you don't want in your room and don't speak evil about the ministries you don't like :D

6. Once you find a campus ministry, church, or fellowship you like, don't be shy; go to events that they organize for new students'. You'll meet other new students and make some new Christian friends in the process. And you'll probably get some free food too ← That's a win in my book :D lol #notKidding

↑ That's how you find Christian friends in college. Now go be a light.

Psalms 37:3
Like the verse says, befriend faithfulness. Find friends faithful to God and be friends with them and grow together. And make sure above all to delight yourself in God, not in people, things, your good looks (hello six pack abs) or grades. Seek God first and everything else will fall into place. 

Feel free to share any tips you have on making Christian friends in college below.

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Porn-Again Christians - Good Book

I stumbled upon this book a year or so ago. It's called "Porn-Again Christians - A frank discussion on Porn and Masturbation" written by Mark Driscoll.
I read part of it and I remember it was quite good and provided me with some good ammo to fight porn.
Every guy struggles with sexual purity in different extremes. It might be lust, porn, masturbation or even sex itself.
You can never too much ammo to fight sexual sin. ← Truth.

Anyways, I'm reading it again. You should read it at least once (in addition to your Bible) too.


This booklet was originally published at Mars Hill Church and is now being offered as a freely distributable online eBook and downloadable as a PDF which we encourage you to distribute.
The book is available online split into chapters if you don't feel like or cannot download it. Use the links below:

Porn-Again Christians: A frank discussion on porn and Masturbation - Mark Driscoll












Porn-again Christians mark driscoll

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Beckah Shae - Rest

I think she just might be my favourite singer right now. My music playlist is over 90% rap and rnb, but come September 4th, 2012, God willing, I'll be adding Beckah Shae's new album "Rest" to my playlist.

Here's a song from "Rest" coming out in less than one month from today. It's the title track for the album.

Beckah Shae - Rest

I love Beckah Shae.
Let me explain:
Her heart for God and for the gospel to get preached to set free people, her love of people, her ministry.
I love seeing people used by God so much.

It's so easy to be like she's awesome and forget to give it up for the Person Who made her awesome: God.

So, hands up, head low in adoration of the God she serves. That peaceful feeling you feel from the song above, it's God homie.

Mark your calendars. September 4th, 2012. Beckah Shae's album hits the shelves, get yourself a copy.

Beckah Shae - Rest

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