The timeline from which I speak fearlessly with no inhibits, to when phonetics stone down my flying eagle and pride hanging for life on a sharp fence.
A cage of political correctness, fake sternness and artificial prowess used by the fearless constructors of false freedom, there's no room for a false witness.
Freedom till my heels make your toe crack, wincing in agony because I made a pact to stand by facts core to my being, so you label me a social heathen.
When I'm floating in joy so happy, free to be me, gladly act wildly withstanding the need to be dressed-up by society's definition of what a free spirit is versus the Spirit's view on low cognition.
Approaching the Light in a temple, walk on to a train so vast and mighty bright and shiny, down on my face and utter words almost describing its glorious condition.
The liberty to request a need that's met but not get shut-down for being bent on controlling my tomorrow that's been catered for, the liberty to be human but be at rest.
The liberty to access privy privileges like peace, grace, love and faithfulness, the ability to talk whenever, wherever to God not being time pressed.
But "of speech" equals freedom, it being in it's purest state is of - from God.
Freedom is God. To know God means you know freedom. To be known by God, is when you experience freedom.

Copyright © Tonye Bezalel Brown