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"Ocean's Daughter" by Faith Anna is a good read

Here's a book I recently read that you should consider adding to your virtual library.
It's called Ocean's Daughter, by Faith Anna. It's a fictional novel that has mythical, medieval and African elements in it. 
There are lots of things I like about this book; the first that comes to mind is how the relationships are portrayed (especially the Mother-Daughter relationships). A lot like C.S. Lewis, the author of the Narnia book series, Faith Anna sneaks in references that Christians will definitely recognize (I approve :D).

You can order Ocean's Daughter on or get it in any other digital format you want from

Here's the description of Ocean's Daughter as listed on Amazon.

Neona is an island where life and legends are a mix of good and unthinkable evil. Initiated into these legends from childhood, little Ina asked too many questions but over time grew to be a woman who silently questioned the beliefs and customs of her people. Even though she avoided crisis at all costs, her life blazed from one crisis to another. Just when she finally finds reprieve, her sanctuary is broken. On her daughter’s fifteenth birthday, Ina discovers an exquisite shell by the sea shore. The same day, a stranger mysteriously arrives on island. Little did Ina know that this would herald the beginning of a harrowing threat to a secret island life as it had existed for centuries and lead to unprecedented turmoil for her family. Faced with what seems like insurmountable challenges as a mother and grandmother, Ina must make a heart wrenching choice in order to comply with tradition. Consumed by guilt, self-loathing and pain, she transforms into a rebel….

“Your granddaughter has to go, so we can have peace here.”
Ina knew the only way people, dead or alive, left the island.
The implication was clear to her.
Arisa expected her to grasp the message. And she did.

Excerpt from Ocean’s Daughter

Faith Anna - Ocean's Daughter

Visit Faith Anna's Website or check out her facebook page to learn more about her.

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